Long-tail keywords, why are long-tail keywords are important for SEO

Long-Tail Keywords

Keywords are the terms that help the searchers to search for a particular product or information on search engines like Google. Two types of keywords are used over the internet to find the desired information, i.e., short tail keywords and long-tail keywords.

The short tail keywords are those keywords that consist of up to three words, while the long-tail keywords comprise of four or more words.

No doubt, long-tail keywords are more useful from the perspective of SEO as compared to short-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords help to gain more specific organic traffic that is more useful and purposeful.

Usually, SEO experts ensure the use of long-tail SEO strategy irrespective of the low number of organic searches. There are more chances that the visitor could be a possible customer or permanent reader of your site.

Suppose you want to optimize long-tail keywords in the content of your website, but you don’t know how to do this properly. Then you can Hire Us for this purpose, and also we offer complete SEO services for our clients. We provide authentic and reliable services as per the requirements and rules of search engines.


What Are Long-tail keywords?

As we mentioned earlier, long-tail keywords are the search terms that are composed of four or more words are known as long-tail keywords. This type of keywords usually offers a low volume of searches, but it drives purposeful traffic to blogs or sites.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more important because it helps to find the insights of search terms. In other words, it helps to understand the search intent of the searcher and provides more accurate results.

For example, it is easy to understand the term “best leather shoes for kids” instead of “best leather shoes.” It means the short-tail keywords provide results as an overall view of the topic instead of giving precise information.

Long-tail keywords offer low volume traffic, but it only provides refined visitors. Also, these are important to rank on a particular keyword easily. Most of the long-tail keywords come with low competition levels because there are fewer competitors who want to rank on these keywords.


Benefits Of Using Long-tail keywords

There is a bunch of benefits for using long keywords in the content of an article. In the below section, we will discuss some of them.

1.      Easy To Find The Theme Of Blog

Usually, every blog represents one specific category or industry. For example, health blogs cover the issues related to the health of kids, parents, and other family members.

That’s why it is easy for the SEO experts to optimize the long-tail keywords for a specific topic by remaining within the main topic. For example, it is easy to target the different age groups by using different long-tail keywords like “fever symptoms in kids” or “fever symptoms in adults.”

The primary purpose of SEO is to tell the search engines and users about the type of information available on your blog or website.

In the above example, it is easy to cover the main topic of the website n every post by using long-tail keywords. It has a positive impact on search engine crawlers and easy for them to understand the niche of the site.

2.      Cover Multiple Topics

Long-tail keywords make it easy for the SEO experts to cover multiple topics under long-tail keyword while remaining within the main topic.

For example, if your blog is about clothes, then you can easily split the main topic “cloth” into different categories based on the quality/type of fabric. And also can use age group in categories to make it more purposeful.

3.      Useful To Link The Tail With Head

Search engines like Google require linking the tail of the keyword with the head of the primary keyword/topic. It helps to connect a blog post with various category pages and to most suitable pages.

Furthermore, linking with different categories and the most suitable category helps to improve the structure of the website. That’s why search engine gives preference to sites that comes with good structure and user-friendly websites.

4.      Optimization For Voice Searches

The increase in the users of smartphones increases the trend of using the internet over smartphones. Now it is estimated that searchers make more than 50% of searches on Google from different types of smart devices.

Also, the increase in the trend of using smartphones for internet surfing increases the trend of searching through voice command. The launching of different voice assistants like Amazon Alexa boosts up the trend of voice searches in the previous years.

In 2017, more than 30 million voice assistants were available in the market. Also, the launching of self-driving cars puts an impact on search engine results. In a moving vehicle, users need the right and accurate answer in the first search even in the self-driving car.

Therefore, long-tail keywords are useful to train different types of voice assistants. It helps the search engines to quickly understand the intent behind the search and provide relevant information.

For this purpose, try to use long-tail keywords in the form of questions because voice searchers mostly use questions as search terms for getting accurate information.

5.      Easy To Rank On Short Term Keywords

Sometimes ranking on short term keywords offers benefits that we can’t ignore. Optimization of long-tail keywords in the content helps to rank on short term keywords, especially for new websites. Long-tail keywords come with low competition and low search volume; that’s why it is easy to rank on them.

Long-tail keywords

Once you gain ranking even on a single long-tail keyword, it provides easiness to rank on short-tail keywords. Because search engine crawlers find the main topic/niche of websites and give preference for short-tail keywords also that it is not possible for new websites.

6.      High Conversion Rate

Long-tail keywords offer high conversion rates in the search results because these are more specific. In the case study, it is mention that the long-tail keywords provide about a 36% conversion rate as compared to 10% by short-tail keywords.

7.      Easy To Find The Search Intent

The search intent of the searcher is an essential thing that the search engine considers while providing preference in the search results. Clear search intent helps to find relevant and accurate information in the first search.

That’s why Google is highlighting the importance of optimizing the content as per the intent of the searcher. For example, it is clear that the purpose of searcher behind the term “best shoes for kids” is that he wants to purchase the shoes for kids.

But if the searcher types only “best shoes,” it is difficult for the search engine that for which purpose he is searching for shoes. Therefore, the search engine provides general information to searchers instead of specific results.


How To Find The Long-tail keywords?

Different methods and tools are available over the internet that is widely used by SEO experts to find the relevant keywords. The following are the few best ways to find long-tail keywords that provide more benefits.

1.      Related Searches

It is one of the most useful methods for finding relevant keywords, especially long-tail keywords. For example, when you type a keyword “best shoes” in the search bar of a search engine like Google, you can get a list of keywords at the end of the page.

In the list, you can easily find the long-tail keyword queries related to your content that also represents the main topic of the website.

2.      Google’s Auto Complete Form

Usually, when we start typing in the search box of a search engine, it starts displaying the list behind the box. This list comprises different search terms that are used by searchers to find specific information or product.

It is easy for you to find the long-tail keyword as per your requirements.

3.      Keyword Research Tools

A large number of keyword research tools are available over the internet that is used by SEO experts to find the keywords. Some of them are free, while some require a paid membership for using some advance options.

These tools help the users to find both types of keywords related to a specific industry/category. The following is the list of some most popular keyword research tools:

  • Google keyword planner
  • Ahref keyword research tool
  • Ubersuggest
  • Soovle
  • Kwfinder


You can use either way to find the keywords, but try to use long-tail keywords in the form of questions to get rankings in the people also ask table.



Long-tail phrases are useful to refine the search results and provide the desired results to searchers. This type of keywords is vital because it helps the search engines as well as SEO experts to understand the intent behind the search.

Hopefully, you like our above discussions and if you want to optimize the long-tail keywords as per the requirements of search engines. You can contact us for reliable services.



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